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/ / Herbal Face Wash with Honey, Rosewater and Lemon

Herbal Face Wash with Honey, Rosewater and Lemon

Quantity - 210ml
Price - Rs. 130

This face wash is very nice gift for your skin as it will pamper your skin as a princess as it is having benefits of 3 best gifts of nature i.e. Honey , Lemon, Rosewater

Benefits of Honey

Honey is considered to be one of the greatest gifts that nature has bestowed on man. It is not only healthy when consumed, but also very beneficial to your skin. Its beauty and medicinal benefits have been known to humankind for centuries.

An Effective Moisturiser

Honey has humectant qualities; as a result, it can be used as a moisturiser in many cosmetic preparations. It not only attracts water but also retains it in the skin, so the skin remains supple and elastic. It also protects against wrinkles and dryness.

Benefits of Rosewater

Rose water has been a part of a beauty regime of men and women. Though it just looks like water and smells like fresh roses, rose water carries a number of health benefits.

It is very good in purifying the skin and protects it from bacterial infections. It is also a brilliant skin toner as it tones the skin and helps removing dirt, makeup and oil from the skin. It can also heal sunburn and wounds. It helps to stimulate circulation in the skin and reduces thread veins and broken capillaries. It also helps in maintaining the pH balance of the skin, and provides calming effect on acne and eczema.

Benfits of Lemon

Nutrients contained in the lemon was good for skin health. One benefit is the famous lemon to brighten the skin. Still there are some other benefits of a lemon.

1. Exfoliate dead skin
2. Diminish wrinkles
3. Brighten
4. Moisten

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